Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Chicken Challenge: September

1.  Ask God to help you find a new “verse of the month” and a new “word of the month.”  Post it where you can see it.  And ask Him to help you apply it.  (And/or ask Him if there is any task/challenge He wants to give you this month.)

2.  Pick two or three new people to pray for this month.  Write their names down, pray for them daily, and ask God if there is anything specific you should pray for about them. 

3.  What are five things about fall you are thankful for?

4.  Pick another item from your “nice things to do for others” list and find time to do it this month.

5.  Ask God:   “Are there any ‘little things’ that You want me to do but that I am failing to do?  Any big things?” 

6.  What are five experiences you are thankful for? 

7.  Spend at least 30 minutes away from all technology at least three times this week and do something peaceful and relaxing instead.  Protect your “alone time” and your time with your family.

8.  Colossians 3:23:  “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” 
            Ask God:  “In what area do I need to apply my whole heart, for Your glory?”

9.  What are five things related to dark that you are thankful for?

10.  Pick a verse you’ve always wanted to memorize.  Now memorize it.

11.  Ask God:  “What does the ‘fear of the Lord’ mean for me and my life?”  (Research it in Scripture.)

12.  What are five things about our brains/minds that you are thankful for?

13.  Do one goofy thing today.  Tell a joke, wear a silly item of clothing, make funny faces with your kids, do a silly dance, or whatever you can think of.  Learn to enjoy the journey and not take yourself so seriously.

14.  Ask God:  “Is there an old wound where I need Your healing?  Please go back to that wound with me and heal it, Lord.”

15.  What are five purple things you are thankful for?

16.  Go for a walk sometime soon (or if it’s not good weather, find a quiet place to sit) and just talk to God about whatever is on your mind.

17.  Ask God:  “Is there a gift or blessing that You want me to accept?  To pass on to others?”

18.  What are five things that you are thankful you have been able to see?   

19.  Go buy a bunch of flowers and give it away to someone who looks like they need flowers (or pass them out singly to many people).  And tell them it’s “because they are worth it” or “because they matter” or “because God loves them.”  (If you cannot bear to do this in person, leave it on someone’s car or doorstep or even just on a park bench where you can watch someone find it.  And leave a note saying, “To whoever finds this bunch of flowers, you are special and I hope these flowers brighten your day.”  Or something like that.)

20.  Ask God:  “Who do I most resemble from the Bible?  Why?  Who from the Bible do You want me to imitate more?  In what way?”

21.  What are five things you are thankful you have been able to touch? 

22.  Choose from your “nice things to do for yourself” list.  And do it soon.

23.  Ask God:  “What about me makes You smile?”

24.  What are five things you did for other people that you are thankful you had the opportunity to do?

25.  Compliment a stranger sometime in the next couple days.  (Make sure it’s a genuine compliment.)

26.  Ask God:  “Is there something that I need to take more responsibility for?  Is that something that I need to stop taking responsibility for?”

27.  What are five consequences you deserved but didn’t get, and you are thankful that you were spared from them?

28.  Examine yourself today.  Do you have any idols in your life or heart?  Anything that has taken your focus off of God and your pursuit of Him?  Any priorities that are out of order?  What can you do to make it right?   

29.  Ask God:  “What about myself do I need to be more accepting of?  What am I too hard on myself about?  What can I do about it?”

30.  Who are five inspirational people you are thankful for?