1. Ask God to help you find a new “verse of the month” and a new “word of the month.” Post it where you can see it. And ask Him to help you apply it. (And/or ask Him if there is any task/challenge He wants to give you this month.)
2. Pick two or three new people to pray for this
month. Write their names down, pray for
them daily, and ask God if there is anything specific you should pray for about
3. What five trials have you gone through that
you are now thankful for? Why are you
thankful for them?
4. Pick another item from your “nice things to
do for others” list and find time to do it this month.
5. Ask God:
“Am I transparent with You? If
not, what am I afraid of? Do I hide from
You in any way or edit my prayers for any reason? To sound holier? To hide doubts? To cover up for sin? Because I don’t feel worthy? Etc.?”
6. What are five things you are thankful for
about the planet/universe?
7. Spend at least 30 minutes away from all
technology at least three times this week and do something peaceful and
relaxing instead. Protect your “alone
time” and your time with your family.
8. Ask God: “Am I more concerned with my service to You than I am with my relationship with You? Or with what others think of my ‘good Christian service’? Basically, do I try to earn Your love and good graces? What do You want to say about it?”
9. What are five animals you are thankful for?
10. Pick a verse you’ve always wanted to
memorize. Now memorize it.
11. Ask God:
“Do You have anything to say to me concerning my view of or use of the
12. What are five soft things you are thankful
13. Make plans now to buy or plant a new plant,
herb, or flower. Everyone should grow
something, even if it’s just an indoor plant or container plant. And if you are saying, “But my thumb is not
green; it’s black,” get a pothos (for an indoor plant) or put out cosmos seeds
for outside plants. These are basically
fool-proof. I neglect my poor pothos so
much and my birds chew off lots of leaves, and yet it still lives when I
finally give it some water.
(If you cannot do this or already
have enough plants, buy/make a birdfeeder or birdhouse and put it in your yard,
buy/make a yard decoration, go for a walk and collect something you find in
nature, get a field guide and learn the names of the plants, birds, or bugs
that you see on a walk, or buy a plant for someone else. The point is, get involved in and appreciate
the natural world that God gave us.)
14. Ask God:
“What would others say about my relationship with You if they looked at
my life, at who I am in private? What do
You want to say about it?”
15. What are five things that you’ve never had
happen to you (or your family) that you are thankful never happened?
16. Do the thing that you have been putting off
or procrastinating about! Write that
letter, clean up that mess, fix what is broken, approach that person, let go of
that grudge, make a decision finally, fulfill that promise you made, do the
thing you have resisted doing. Do it
before summer and you’ll feel better.
17. Ask God:
“When it comes to relationships or dreams or desires, what am I still
looking for or aching for? What do You
want to tell me about that?”
18. What are five historical things you are
thankful for?
19. Choose from your “nice things to do for
yourself” list. And do it soon.
20. Ask God:
“Is there a hobby I should pursue or something that I can add to my life
to enrich it?”
21. What are five cold things you are thankful
22. If you do not regularly treat yourself to
something special, go out and buy yourself something that makes you smile or
that touches your heart, even if it’s just from the dollar store. Or maybe it’s just a nice cup of coffee and
some quiet time to drink it. (But if you
normally do treat yourself, buy something special and give it away.)
23. Ask God:
“If 1 is total self-sufficiency and 100 is total reliance on
You/humility, where do I fall on the scale?
In what ways do I need to stop trying to live in my own wisdom, power, or
self-sufficiency and to submit to You, to give You the control and the right to
sit on the throne?”
What are five blessings in disguise you are thankful for?
25. Pick another room or closet in your house and
clean it out, finding at least 10 things to get rid of.
26. Ask God:
“Am I teachable, Lord? Do I have
a soft heart? Do I run ahead of You, fail
to seek Your guidance in any area, or resist You or hide from You in any
way? Have I rebelled or disobeyed
anything that You have asked me to do?
What should I do about it now?”
27. What five movies/shows are you thankful for?
28. Go for a walk sometime soon (or if it’s not
good weather, find a quiet place to sit) and just talk to God about whatever is
on your mind.
29. James 5:16: “The prayer of a
righteous man is powerful and effective.”
Ask God: “How can I become more powerful and effective
in prayer?”
30. What five sounds are you thankful for?
31. Is there any vow or promise you made that you
haven’t yet fulfilled or that you are failing to keep? Do the right thing now. (If need be, talk the situation over with God
for insight and help.)